"Boost Your Musical Creativity"


J-Adam Smith has revolutionized the teaching of the violin. Through his comical and enthusiastic aproach, J-Adam magnetizes student of all ages and levels of performance, to him. The violin is a much more multi-dimentional instrument than it ever has been through the dawn of time. While society and life has changed, we too must change and adapt to it through our music. The most common mistake, with teachers and educators, are that they do not speak to the student. They speak at the student! Grasping the essence of the instrument is the mission of the program. The talent comes from within!

Topics of Discussions are:

- Beginner Mastery Techniques
- Building a relationship with your instrument.
- How to inspire the musician inside!
- How to create your own Fiddle Team USA?
- Education does not equal motivation! (Teacher training)
- Experience the violin of Today!
(New age techniques for a new world...)
- Stage Fright, What is so scary!